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[佳作] 《年轻》

发表于 2017-1-17 08:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.
It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees.
It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of theemotions.
It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetitefor adventure over the love of ease.
This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20.
Nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
Worry, fear, self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders,theunfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.
In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station;so long asit receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men andfrom infinite,so long as you are young.

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with the snows ofcynicism and the ice of pessimism,then you've grown old, even at 20, but aslong as your aerials are up,to catch waves of optimism, there's hope you maydie young at 80.



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